Executive Director
Chief Financial Officer
Director Of Operations
Director Of Fund Raising
Director of Special Programs
Digital Marketing Associate
Regional Representative Greater Toronto Area
Regional Representative Southern Ontario
Palestine Representative
Eastern Uganda Representative
Northern Uganda Representative
Pakistan Representative
Regional Representative Vancouver
Regional Representative Lower Mainland
Pakistan Representative
I am a Healthcare Consultant & specialized in Pharmacy, Business Mngt. & QMS, have 15 years plus Leadership & successful experience in diversified healthcare sectors.
Author, mentor, trainer and end to end web/windows solution architect/developer. Author of "Client-Side Reporting with visual Studio in C#, Apress Sept 2007. 20+ years of highly skilled experience on a team of development enviorment.
IT support technician with over 8+ years of experience to support to home users, office users and corporate clients. Bachelor degree in computer science and professional certification (Microsoft, Cisco & CompIT)
I am a health care consultant specialized in Surgery from Pakistan. 6 + years experience of working in government based hospital in Pakistan. Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery ( MBBS )
Dr. Samina has been serving the communities of Vancouver and Surrey for more than a decade . She has been providing comprehensive healthcare for people of all ages and life stages. She has been part...
IT support technician with over 8+ years of experience to support to home users, office users and corporate clients. Bachelor degree in computer science and professional certification (Microsoft, Cisco & CompIT)