
Every Muslim, young or old, man or woman, is required to do Zakaat al-Fitr (also known as sadaqatul Fitr or Fitraana), an act of worship, if he has enough money to support himself and his family for one day and one night on the day of Eid.

He is required to donate one saa’ of a local basic meal to the underprivileged Muslims on behalf of himself and EVERY dependant.




Every Muslim, young or old, man or woman, is required to pay Zakaat al-Fitr (also known as sadaqatul Fitr or Fitraana), an act of worship, if he has enough money to support himself and his family for one day and one night on the day of Eid.

He is required to donate one saa’ of a local basic meal to the underprivileged Muslims on behalf of himself and EVERY dependant.

WHY do we perform Zakat al-Fitr?

First and foremost, Zakaatul-Fitr is given because it is an ORDER given to ALL Muslims by the Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam.

The second reason we give Zakaatul-Fitr is as a *purification* for whatever flaws or mistakes we may have made during our fasting .

Zakaatul-Fitr Timing

Prior to Salaatul Eid, Zakaatul-Fitr is due on the first of Shawwaal.

But since many individuals give Zakaat al-Fitr to charities and it takes time to distribute it, it is OK to pay it a day or two beforehand.

Before Eid prayer, the receivers shall get this Zakaat al-Fitr.

Ibn ‘Abbaas, radi Allahu anhu, stated:

“The Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) commanded the giving of zakaat al-fitr to feed the needy and purify the fasting person from idle and vulgar speech.

If someone donates it before prayer, it is zakaat al-fitr, and if they donate it after prayer, it is just regular charity.



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